The configuration within Directory Opus is incorrect!\n Perhaps the {Qp} is missing ?
ERROR_NoPort_2 (2//)
Did you mistakenly start the script from a shell window ?
ERROR_NoPort_B0 (3//)
Hmm, I'll check
ERROR_Missed_Program (4//)
\nUnable to locate this program:\n%s\n
ERROR_No_Valid_Device (5//)
\n < %s >\nis not a valid device\n
ERROR_RexxSupportLib_1 (9//)
rexxsupport.library not found !
ERROR_RexxSupportLib_B0 (10//)
I'll get it immediately
ERROR_DopusVersion_1 (11//)
You need at least Version 5.5 of\nDirectory Opus to use this script.
ERROR_DopusVersion_B0 (12//)
Hmm, then I guess it's update time
ERROR_TritonRexxLib_1 (14//)
tritonrexx.library not found !
ERROR_TritonRexxLib_B0 (15//)
I'll get it immediately
ERROR_TritonLib_1 (16//)
triton.library not found !
ERROR_TritonLib_B0 (17//)
I'll get it immediately
ERROR_NoListerHandle_1 (18//)
\nDid you forget the {Ql} ?\n
ERROR_NoListerHandle_B0 (19//)
Could be...
ERROR_ShellStart_1 (20//)
\nDid you start this script\nfrom within a shell window?\n
ERROR_ShellStart_B0 (21//)
ERROR_NoSourceLister_1 (23//)
I need a source lister !\n\nOr perhaps you forgot to checkmark\nthe option <run asynchronously> ?
ERROR_NoSourceLister_B0 (24//)
Hmm, let's see
ERROR_WrongPort_1 (25//)
\nSorry, but\nthis is no valid\nDOpus-port:\n\n%s\n
ERROR_WrongPort_B0 (26//)
Really ?
ERROR_WrongPort_2 (27//)
\nIt seems to be a listerhandle.\nProbably you`ve forgotten the {Qp}\nbetween the scriptname and the {Ql}\n
\nThe device < %s >\nis not formatted using AFS, PFS or SFS.\n\nThis script can only restore files\nfrom devices using either of these\nfilesystems.
Oh, well
ERROR_NoDeletedFiles_1 (33//)
\nApparently, < %s >\ndoes not contain any files which\nhave been deleted after the device\nhas been formatted unter AFS/PFS/SFS.\n\nThe directory %s is empty.
ERROR_NoDeletedFiles_B0 (34//)
Well, well
ERROR_DeldirNotFound_1 (40//)
\nThe device < %s >\ndoes not contain a .DELDIR\n\nEither it is not in the root dir,\nor you defined a wrong name\nin the prefs program, or perhaps\nthe device in question is a floppy disc.\n\nThese directory names were\nsearched for in vain:\n\n-%s\n- %s\n- %s